What Is Melatonin?

5 minutes read

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate our sleep. It is produced by the pineal gland when we prepare to sleep and reaches its peak at midnight. Since it needs a dark environment to be produced, if we're exposed to light, such as night lights or light from electronic devices, or if we stay up late regularly, our melatonin secretion can be suppressed, disrupting our body clock and causing insomnia. Therefore, some people would like to take melatonin to help them sleep.


Who can benefit from using it?

If you are difficult to fall asleep due to jet lag or an irregular sleep schedule, taking melatonin may help you sleep well.


There are different doses available on the market. Which should I choose?

The melatonin dosage ranges from 1mg to 10mg, and our goal is to find the lowest effective dose to help you fall asleep. If you're a first-time user, we suggest starting with the lowest dose. You can take 0.5~1mg 30 minutes before bedtime and increase the dose to 3~5mg as needed. If you want to take more than 5mg, it's always best to consult your doctor first.


Will it truly work?

The efficacy of melatonin varies from person to person, as not all insomnia is caused by insufficient melatonin secretion. In such cases, using melatonin may not help you sleep. As a result, discovering the root cause of your insomnia before taking melatonin is important.


Can I take it with my sleeping pills?  Or can I use it as a replacement?

Without your doctor’s permission, do not t with sleeping pills or replace them with your current medications.


Is melatonin safe to use long-term?

Unfortunately, there is no significant evidence of its long-term safety. However, if you are in one of the following groups:

🔹 Pregnant or breastfeeding women

🔹 People with weakened immune systems

🔹 People with impaired liver or kidney function

It is not recommended to use melatonin due to safety concerns.


Whether you're looking for melatonin to improve your sleep quality or adjust your jet lag, please do not overuse it. Try to find out the underlying problems, create a regular sleep routine, and minimize the use of electronic devices before bed. Have a good night's sleep!

Want to learn more?


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